Monday, December 3, 2012

Who Is More Clueless Boehner or Costas?

I cannot figure out who is more clueless, John Boehner or Bob Costas?
John Boehner

Can Boehner do anything worst to lose the Public Relations battle?  He already has the media ready to pounce when he makes serious proposals,  but now he makes a not very serious “counter proposal” to avoid the so called fiscal cliff.  With this offer, critics can rightly say his proposal will cut Medicare and Social Security. 

President Obama's proposal is to merely raise Tax Rates on the upper 2% back to the Clinton tax rates.  This will solve all of our problems says he.  Of course, Obama's proposal is not serious and will not do anything to significantly lower the debt.  Instead of Boehner making that case and proposing serious solutions he makes a counter proposal that also does little to solve the problem.   

What it does is give ammo to the opposition because Boehner’s proposal will cut Senior Citizens COLA increases, and end the payroll tax cut which will immediately affect the middle class.  I could hear it now, "To save Tax Cuts for their millionaire and Billionaire friends, Republicans are cutting Social Security, and Medicare, and raising taxes on middle class working people by ending the payroll tax cut."

Could Boehner have made a worst proposal?  Who knows, maybe next week he will announce he wants to end Social Security immediately!

Then we have Costas, who said: “If Jovan Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.” As if Belcher needed a gun to kill or commit suicide.  Costas, like other gun control advocates, is willing to blame guns for the actions of the gun user, as if "gun control" will stop murders or even prevent those wanting to get guns from getting them.  

 John Lott, author of More Guns, Less crime wrote:  "Whether people like Costas like it or not the facts speak for themselves: Murder rates consistently rise when guns are banned. This is not just a US phenomenon in places such as Washington, DC and Chicago, but has been observed worldwide. When guns are banned, even in island nations such as the UK, Ireland, and Jamaica, the pattern has been the same. The problem is that gun bans disarm law-abiding good people, not criminals. With disarmed victims, crime is easier to commit. " Newsflash for Bob, Prohibitive gun laws will only stop law abiding citizens from getting guns, as criminals do not obey laws.

I cannot figure out who wins this clueless sweepstakes!

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