Sunday, January 13, 2013

Protecting the Children?

Listening to Mark Levin the other day got me thinking.  Liberals are always looking for ways to protect our children.  Their newest scheme will be unveiled this week with a big government solution to shootings such as the tragic Newtown shooting.  What does this mean?  Hide the children! 

They protected the children before; in 1972 the EPA banned the pesticide known as DDT based on a book written in 1962 by American biologist Rachel Carson called Silent Spring.  The publication of Silent Spring was one of the signature events in the birth of the environmental movement.   In Silent Spring Carson used manipulated data and wildly exaggerated claims (the same tactics currently being used to promote their big Government solutions to Global Warming today) leading to a push for a worldwide ban on DDT even though DDT is the most effective weapon against malarial mosquitoes to this day.  In Silent Spring Carson suggested among other things that cancer in children increased as a percentage of childhood deaths as a result of DDT.  She predicted a cancer epidemic that could hit "practically 100 percent" of the human population.   The hysteria she created eventually led to the DDT ban.  Forty years later, the ban has helped kill millions of people, mostly children.   

What Carson failed to mention was the reason cancer deaths increased as a percentage of childhood deaths was because other causes of death decreased for children.  What neither she, nor anyone else ever did was link any human deaths to DDT.  The Environmental Protection Agency held extensive hearings after the uproar produced by the book and the hearings concluded DDT should not be banned. 

A few months after the hearings ended, EPA administrator William Ruckleshaus over-ruled his own agency and banned DDT anyway, in what he later admitted was a “political” decision.  Ruckleshaus disregarded nine thousand pages of testimony when he imposed the DDT ban. Then as now with Global Warming, the science was settled in their minds, despite any evidence to the contrary.  Banning DDT has since resulted in millions of deaths but that didn’t matter; they were going to protect the children.

Next, the liberals were going to save the environment and decrease our dependence on Middle Eastern oil in the wake of the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo.  To accomplish this, the United States enacted the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards in 1975 to improve the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks.  Of course, as fuel efficiency increased we drove more, and imported more from Middle Eastern Countries than ever before, just the opposite of their stated intent.    In order for the Auto industry to improve mileage to meet the standards, vehicles were made lighter and more fragile which in turn caused about 2,000 deaths per year, including many children.
Another example, the biofuel obsession took resources from growing food crops, resulting in higher food prices and starving people, including many children.   

They are currently protecting the children in every new big government program they enact.  They create unnecessary and redundant programs, refusing to ever cut back on any expenses.  Any proposal for the slightest decrease in the rate of growth in these programs is considered a draconian cut that will hurt women and children most.  Never do they evaluate the effectiveness of these programs, it is the intent of the programs that counts, regardless of if the program is accomplishing anything.  As Ronald Reagan said "A government bureau is the closest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth." 

The reckless spending over the past decade has resulted in the devaluing of our currency, and indebting our children so deeply that they will be enslaved in that debt for generations.   

As Senator Obama said back in 2006 before he became the king of reckless spending:  "Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren."

For the good of our children, our government must STOP PROTECTING THE CHILDREN!

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