Sunday, November 25, 2012

Liking Spielberg's New Lincoln Movie Anyway

I have to admit I enjoyed the new Lincoln film, and had a different view than Jo Ann Skousen, writing "Lincoln: A cautionary tale that tries to be important" for Human Events blog.  She wrote in part:

"In case you haven’t noticed this yourself, I will spell it out: the tactics for pushing the thirteenth amendment as shown in Spielberg’s Lincoln are almost identical to the tactics used by Obama to pass his healthcare bill.  Each was sponsoring a highly controversial bill with far-reaching consequences; each had a Congress divided along party lines; each used high pressure arm-twisting, political patronage, and outright lies to accomplish his goals; and each met vociferous opposition after the bill was passed. Why?  Because they both chose expediency over integrity.  Persuasion and education were needed, not force and deception. When expediency rules, tyranny reigns."

While watching the film I did notice the similarities to the passage of ObamaCare, and I did feel, knowing the liberal leanings of Spielberg and Hollywood that it was an attempt to parallel Obama's tactics to Lincoln's in order to raise Obama up, but upon further thought, I felt the comparison made Obama seem even smaller.  Comparing the passage of the thirteenth amendment to the passage of ObamaCare is like comparing night to day.  The techniques may have been similar, but where Lincoln employed his tactics to free people, Obama employed his tactics to control people.

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